دقائق من فضللك Minutes of your time
أيوب عليه السلام: أتاه الله سبعة من البنين
و مثلهم من البنات و اتاه الله المال و الأصحاب وأراد الله أن يبتليه ليكون اختبارا له و قدوة
لغيره من الناس!
فخسر تجارته و مات أولاده و ابتلاه الله بمرض شديد حتى اقعده ولم يبقى معه إلا
زوجته تخدمه حتى وصل بها الحال أن تعمل عند الناس لتجد ماتسد به حاجتها و حاجة زوجها!
واستمر ايوب في البلاء ثمانية عشر عام و هو
صابر و لا يشتكي لأحد حتى زوجته .. و لما
وصل بهم الحال الى ماوصل قالت له زوجته
يوما لو دعوت الله ليفرج عنك،
فقال: كم لبثنا بالرخاء؟
قالت: 80: سنة،
قال: اني استحي من الله لأني مامكثت في
بلائي المدة التي لبثتها في رخائي،
و بعد أيام .. فلم تعد زوجته تجد من تعمل لديه، فقصت بعض شعرها وباعت ظفيرتها لكي تآكل هي
و زوجها و سألها من أين لكي هذا ولم تجبه ..
و في اليوم التالي باعت ظفيرتها الأخرى
و تعجب منها زوجها وألح عليها فكشفت عن رأسها، فنادى ربه نداء تأن له القلوب ..
استحى من الله أن يطلبه الشفاء و أن يرفع عنه البلاء فقال كما جاء في القرآن الكريم:
"ربي اني مسني الضر و انت أرحم الراحمين"
فجاء الأمر من من بيده الأمر:
"أركض برجلك هذا مغتسل بارد و شراب"
فقام صحيحا و رجعت له صحته كما كانت
فجاءت زوجته ولم تعرفه،
فقالت: هل رأيت المريض الذي كان هنا؟
فوالله مارايت رجلا أشبه به إلا انت عندما
كان صحيحا؟
فقال: أما عرفتني!
فقالت: من انت؟
قال: أنا ايوب،
يقول ابن عباس: لم يكرمه الله هو فقط بل
أكرم زوجته أيضا التي صبرت معه اثناء هذا
فرجعها الله شابة و ولدت لإيوب عليه السلام ستة و عشرون ولد من غير الإناث
يقول سبحانه: "واتيناه أهله و مثلهم
معهم "
العبرة: كلما فاض حملك تذكر صبر أيوب و أعلم أن صبرك نقطة من بحر أيوب،
لا تقرأ وترحل اكتب الحمد لله
3 minutes of your time:
Ayyub (peace be upon him): God has seven sons
And like them from the girls and God gave him money and friends and God wanted to make him a test for him and role model
For other people!
He lost his business and his children died and God started him with a severe illness until he left him and did not stay with him
His wife serves him until he reaches the point of working with people to find a mattress by her need and the need of her husband!
Job continued in the scourge for eighteen years and he
Saber does not complain to anyone until his wife .. And why
They arrived at Mausel, his wife told him
Days if I called God to release you,
He said: How much prosperity?
She said: 80: years,
He said: I am ashamed of God because I stayed in
The length of the time that I broadcast in my eyes,
And after days .. No longer his wife find someone who works for him, so I cut some of her hair and sold her fingernail to eat it
And her husband and asked her where to this and did not answer ..
The next day she sold her other hymn
And exclaimed her husband and insisted on them and revealed her head, called his Lord appeal Tann heart ..
Blessed be God to ask him to heal and to remove the scourge, he said as stated in the Koran:
"Lord, I miss you, and you are the most merciful."
Then it came from the one in his hand:
"Run your feet this cool laundry and drink"
So he was right and his health returned to him as it was
His wife came and did not know him,
She said: Have you seen the patient who was here?
God is a Mariette, a man like him only when you
was right?
He said: Did you know me!
She said: Who are you?
He said: I Ayub,
Ibn Abbas says: God did not only honor him but
I also honor his wife, who was patient with him during this time
The scandals!
And God gave her a young woman, and twenty-six non-female children were born to Eiob
The Almighty says: "And his family and his like
With them "
Abra: Whenever your pregnancy is over, remember the patience of Job and I know that your patience is a point from the sea of Job,
Do not read and travel Write praise to God
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