هل تعانون من دوالي الساقين
العلاج بسيط جدا ومن مطبخك
للدوالي عمل مساج وتدليك بالخل ثم بالزيت تنشط الدورة الدموية .
Do you suffer from varicose veins?
The treatment is very simple and from your kitchen
Varicose work massage and massage with vinegar and then oil activates blood circulation.
Varicose work massage and massage with vinegar and then oil activates blood circulation.
Eğer varis muzdarip musunuz
Tedavi çok basit ve mutfak
Sonra sirke ile varisli çalışması ve masaj yağı masaj ve kan dolaşımını uyarırlar.
[caption id="attachment_798" align="aligncenter" width="259"] blogspot.alhotcenter[/caption]
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