مررت بدارهم شوقاً إليها
لعلي ألمح الأحباب فيها
فما من نائم في الدار يصحو
وما من زائر يدنو إليها
سألت الجار : ما الأخبار قل لي؟!
فقال : الدار أبقىٰ من ذويها
أما تعلم بأن الناس تمضي
وأن الدار تنعي ساكنيها؟!
Evlerini hevesle geçtim
En sevilenlerin kime ima ettiğini
Evde uyuyan yok uyanacak
Ve ona ziyaretçi gelmiyor
Komşuya sordum: Hangi haber?
Ve dedi ki: Ev halkı tarafından tutuluyor
İnsanlar gittiğini biliyorum
Ve evin sakinleri yas tutuyor mu?
I passed by their house eagerly
To whom the most loved ones hinted
No sleeper in the house will wake up
And no visitors come to her
I asked the neighbor: What news tell me ?!
And he said: The house is kept by its people
Know that people are going
And that the house is mourning its inhabitants ?!

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