
أمعائي لا تمتص الحديد ...ماذا أفعل ؟My stomach does not absorb iron ... What do I do?

عدم امتصاص الحديد من الامعاء :
يجب اخذ عصير الليمون معه عندها يحصل الامتصاص , وافضل شئ عصير الشمندر

[caption id="attachment_559" align="aligncenter" width="300"] blogspot.alhotcenter[/caption]

Non-absorption of iron from the intestines:
You should take the lemon juice with it then get the absorption, and the best thing is the juice of the beet

Bağırsaklardan olmayan demir emilimi:
Limon suyuyla alınmalıdır sonra emilimini alır ve en iyi şey pancar suyu

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